Proto Porn
Sketching Bliss
Sketching Bliss
Drawnjawns: 100% Sure That Pretty Much Everyone In The 104 Squad Has Been Wanting To Do This Since Trainee Day 1 But Only Eren Actually Has The Balls To Do It For Anon!
Strudelgit: Vanquishedvaliant: Bleproxursox: Things That Will Instantly Improve Any Movie: Dragons Robots Bickering Scientists Lesbians How About Bickering Lesbian Scientists That Build Robots To Fight Dragons Pacific Rim Was So Close.
Sexuallyfrustratedrinharu: How Haruka Nanase Strips: The Study
Reiner&Amp;Ndash;Braun: Requested By Myfemalegaze
Maddisama: Ah Yes, My Personal Favourite Snk Trio; Levi, Erwin, And Prince Hans Of The Seven Isles
Charlottereblogsthings: I Can’t Believe This
Bertholdtxfubar: I Think It’s Really Cute How Jean Was Drawing This Girl That Looks Like Mikasa Long Before He Even Met Her And Then He Just It’s Like The Girl Of His Dreams Is Real
Johannathemad: G Oodb Ye F Riends I Am G One
Ultroneous: Ah