Proto Porn
cainora: Photography in The Legend of Korra
cainora: Photography in The Legend of Korra
Equalistmako: Yes Here It Comes I Can Feel It Yesss I Can Almost Taste His Shirtlessness I Can Almost Smell His Abs I Can Almost Feel His Glass-Cutting Nipples Y E S Ss S S S S S S S S S S S S S God Dang It, Mako
Korrasane-Deactivated20141219: The Lovely Mere Provided The Idea For This Gifset. Thank You M’dear!
Superliz6: Reblogging Again Because Tenzin’s Reaction To Mako Speaks For The Entire Fandom I’m Pretty Sure.
Tahno Is Sexyfine
Ouiladybug: She’s Impressed. He’s Blushin. He’s Complimenting. Shes Blushing. Fawk My Heart.
Geneslamm: I Made Diz Guize
Elementalavatars: I Have No Photo Editing Skills To Speak Of, But I Wanted Baby Krew With Brooding Teenager Krew. So.
Legend Of Korra Book 3 Change
Chibi-Mama-Mako: -“Korraaaaaa”-“Airbending!”Don’t Stop, Korra.
Spider-Lin-Beifong: Avatarmerida: If Zuko’s Dragon Isn’t Named Honor Then What’s The Point Zuko Losing His Dragon: I Must Regain My Honor. Zuko Bathing His Dirtied Dragon: I Must Cleanse My Honor.