Proto Porn
Jackalltimelow:stop! Telling! People! That! No! One! Will! Love! Them! Until! They! Love! Themselves! Stop! Planting! The! Idea! In! Peoples! Brains! That! They! Are! Unworthy! Of! Love! Because! Of! Their! Own! Struggle! But! Its! The! Truth! Fam!
Girl-Sweat:i Give Good Head Also I Am Nice
Morganperreault:googlyeyedpyro:today I Learned You Can Report People For Posting Memes On Facebook I’m Reporting Every Single One Of You
Every 3 Days Is Pick Up Day. Today Is Day 3.
Bluediamond-Xo: Hahaha True
Embelish: She Just Like Wow
Grvnge-Queen: ✞ Intoxicated With The Madness, I’m In Love With My Sadness ✞ Check Out This Award-Winning App!
Yung-Medusa: ︻╦╤─ Yung Medusa ─╤╦︻
Homocidal Baby Fox
Lzbth: Swag Won’t Pay The Bills But Apparently Neither Will Your Degree