Proto Porn

This recovery suit is super tight. It looks good on him. 

This recovery suit is super tight. It looks good on him. 

This recovery suit is super tight. It looks good on him. 





Some Men Have Dense Muscles. They’Re Lucky.

Some Men Have Dense Muscles. They’Re Lucky.

He Knows What You’Re Thinking.http://Builtbytallsteve.blogspot.comâ 

He Knows What You’Re Thinking.http://Builtbytallsteve.blogspot.comâ 

This Young Man Has Lots Of Muscle. Lucky Kid.http://Builtbytallsteve.blogspot.comâ 

This Young Man Has Lots Of Muscle. Lucky Kid.http://Builtbytallsteve.blogspot.comâ 

A Beach, A Boat, And A Body! Oh Boy!Http://Builtbytallsteve.blogspot.comâ 

A Beach, A Boat, And A Body! Oh Boy!Http://Builtbytallsteve.blogspot.comâ 

Hangin’, Healthy, And Happy

Hangin’, Healthy, And Happy

I Want To Marry Mario.http://Builtbytallsteve.blogspot.comâ 

I Want To Marry Mario.http://Builtbytallsteve.blogspot.comâ 

Before And After Alan

Before And After Alan

Nice Toy.

Nice Toy.

Pucker Uphttp://Builtbytallsteve.blogspot.comâ 

Pucker Uphttp://Builtbytallsteve.blogspot.comâ 

Think Pink.http://Builtbytallsteve.blogspot.comâ 

Think Pink.http://Builtbytallsteve.blogspot.comâ 

Oviposition Ovipositor