Proto Porn
"REBLOG if you were born in the 90's, & don't have a baby..”
"REBLOG if you were born in the 90's, & don't have a baby..”
You See A Bitch Wearing A Hoodie, Some Booty Shorts And Some Ugg Boots . . .
W3N U Typ Lyk Di$, @Ll M3 H@Z 2 S3Y Iz:
Bob Marley On How To Love A Woman“You May Not Be Her First, Her Last, Or Her Only. She Loved Before She May Love Again. But If She Loves You Now, What Else Matters? She’s Not Perfect - You Aren’t Either, And The Two Of You May Never Be Perfect
Reblog If You Think The World Isn't Going To End On Saturday.
That Awkward Moment When You're Trying To Text Someone And The Person Beside You Looks At The Screen Of Your Phone
When People Say They're Going To Have A Snack.
Happy Birthday To The Notorious B.i.g. He Would Have Been 39 Years Old Today. May He Rest In Peace. (May 21, 1972 - March 9, 1997)
When You're Home Alone And You Can Do Whatever You Want