Proto Porn
Ippoarts: Tagging Your Hate Is Like Going To A Pasta Convention And Screaming That You Don’t Like Pasta. You Can Sit There And Argue, “But It’s Not A Pasta Lover’s Convention And It Did Have To Do With Pasta!” But How Many People Go To A Pasta
Shit No One Tells You When You Start To Tumble
Mscoolcat: Maraschino-Virgin: Icanfinallybeme: Theweekmagazine: 12 Amazingly Cruel Anti-Suffregette Cartoons From The 19Th Century Wow. Notice How The Anti-Feminist Rhetoric Hasn’t Changed? “Oh, You’re A Feminist? You Must Never Get Laid,
Cinnamonplayground: The Difference Between Mako And Tahno :]
Liberalsarecool: America Has To End The Obsession With Overcompensating Ceos While Grinding The Working Classes Into Submission. Worker Productivity Has Increased While Wages Have Stagnated. Its Time For Workers To Get Paid For Those Efficiencies, Not
Punchsportsandpunchlines: Deathandcatses: Further Studies In Fluid Dynamics. It Is Amazing To Me How Nature’s Most Agile And Biologically Perfect Hunters Are Also The Laziest Pieces Of Shit In The Animal Kingdom
Kavos-Plz: Sorry Bolin Didn’t Mean To Steal Your Thunder But I Must Insert Tahno Into Book 2.
Dansphalluspalace: Alienswithankhs: Fallintoyourarmstonight: Alienswithankhs: Wait The Same Attorney Who Botched Trayvon’s Case Sent Cece To Jail What Angela Corey Sent Marissa To Jail. Sent Cece To Jail. Let Zimmerman Go. And On National Television
Distractedbyshinyobjects: Stfuconservatives: Unlockaflockofwords: Stfuconservatives: Scyphoz0A Submitted: I Just….What?? Because A Consenting Adult Is The Same As A Pizza.” —- I Feel Bad For Homophobes. It Must Be Really Hard To Go Through