Proto Porn
its-kanekiii: Eren getting bullied by Levi ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)
its-kanekiii: Eren getting bullied by Levi ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)
Anime-To-The-T: By Fembot13
Eskatoad: #The Unholy Offspring Of Lightning And Death Itself
Im-Your-Enormous-Virus: #Sw1221
Fckyeahgdragon: G-Dragon - Vogue Korea (January 2015) Source: Vogue Korea
Fckyeahgdragon: 150108 G-Dragon And Masta Wu Twitter Conv. Masta Wu: (Tbt) Then Or Now, Jiyongie Is Zzang (The Best). Everyday Is Grace!
Hadarazaria: Istanbul,Ink On Paper
Hadarazaria: Aladdin Is In The House(Studio) 160*190
Ca-Tsuka: So Little Witch Academia / Anime Mirai Exhibition Opens Tomorrow In Tokyo :-)
Stenopee: One Ultracrappy Drawing Just To Wish You All A Great Year ! Fill It With Whatever Feels Right : Love, Travels, Success, Chocolates.please Keep Voting For My Blog Until January 5Th, Too !! Clic “Oui Oui” !