Proto Porn
When you're running and you ACCIDENTALLY hit your PINKY TOE on a piece of FURNITURE
When you're running and you ACCIDENTALLY hit your PINKY TOE on a piece of FURNITURE
Justwantyouaroundme: Boyz In The Hood
When People Ask Me &Quot;What Is Tumblr?&Quot;
Romeisburning: Delvin Thomas
When You Find A Snack That You Forgot You Had.
When I Close The Wrong Tab....
Kidrauhl-Swag: Kid-Bieber: Universalistic: Ohmygod. I Will Not Risk It :L Not Risking Anything.
Fuckyeahtreysongzyupp: I Would’ve Been All Over Him In High School He’s Cute Sexy Either Way.
Jaynaturallybeautiful: Nakiarashawnn: Dopeiam: Smokeweed-Eatyogurt: Treysongzjunkiie: Lakergaang: Fuckyeaimawesome: Lust4Kicks: Idumb: Sayhellotothebadguy: Kairosayy: Lostinthemood: I-Am-Wizz: Amazing, Just Will Cry. Stop Whateve
When Your Best Friend Is Sad And You're Like
It's Already August, And You Want To Know What I've Done All Summer ?