Proto Porn
What has the world come to?
What has the world come to?
10Knotes: Follow This Blog, You Will Love It On Your Dashboard
Two Spiders Just Fell From The Ceiling.
Into-The-Outside: An Arachnid’s Revenge
The-Iridescence: (Via How To Ride A Rainbow | Flickr - Photo Sharing!)
Gayoutloud: Yeah. Seriously Fucked Up, Isn’t It. Bitch. So Stop Doing It. Yes, You.
Peeves-The-Poltergeists-Sidekick: Paula - A Teacher In New York Was Teaching Her Class About Bullying And Gave Them The Following Exercise To Perform. She Had The Children Take A Piece Of Paper And Told Them To Crumple It Up, Stamp On It And Really Mess
Collegehumor: Hey Mom I’m A Lesbian That’s Just How She Rolls. Deal With It.
Relatableblog: Follow This Super Duper Blog!