Proto Porn

rosalarian: Feminism is having a wardrobe malfunction. Does your brand of feminism remove barriers for women, or simply move them around? Does is expand options for women, or does it just shift them? You don’t liberate women by forcing them to choose

rosalarian: Feminism is having a wardrobe malfunction. Does your brand of feminism remove barriers for women, or simply move them around? Does is expand options for women, or does it just shift them? You don’t liberate women by forcing them to choose

rosalarian:  Feminism is having a wardrobe malfunction. Does your brand of feminism

rosalarian:  Feminism is having a wardrobe malfunction. Does your brand of feminism



I Can&Amp;Rsquo;T Stop Watching&Amp;Hellip;.Drooooool&Amp;Hellip;.

I Can&Amp;Rsquo;T Stop Watching&Amp;Hellip;.Drooooool&Amp;Hellip;.

Mellowmodesty: Wow This Is Fucking Historic As Fuck I Can’t Believe Im Seeing This

Mellowmodesty:   Wow This Is Fucking Historic As Fuck I Can’t Believe Im Seeing





Wolf-And-Kitten: Undeadthug: While I Find This Fascinating, I Do Need To Point Out That Correlation =/= Causation. -Wolf

Wolf-And-Kitten:  Undeadthug:     While I Find This Fascinating, I Do Need To Point



Kimchicuddles: Polyamory: Something For Everyone! :)

Kimchicuddles:  Polyamory: Something For Everyone! :)

Hipster-Trichster: I Always Laugh Way Too Much When This Happens Across My Dash

Hipster-Trichster:  I Always Laugh Way Too Much When This Happens Across My Dash

Nymphoninjas: Maskedlothario

Nymphoninjas:  Maskedlothario

Chocolatechokes: Rawflume: Brrutal: Dngivenchy: Lueia: Supniccuh: They Say Depression And Intelligence Go Hand In Hand, Well This Is Einstein And His Therapist.  This Breaks My Heart I Reblog This Every Time Because I Think Its An Honest Reminder

Chocolatechokes:  Rawflume:  Brrutal:  Dngivenchy:  Lueia:  Supniccuh:  They Say

Alice-Is-Wet: Me! Since I’m Too Busy At Work To Be Reblogging And Answering Asks, Posting Submissions Etc, Like I Usually Try To On Saturdays, Here’s A Little Selfie From Last Night. ^_^ I Had Three Sleepy Orgasms Before Drifting Off To Sleep, It

Alice-Is-Wet:  Me! Since I’m Too Busy At Work To Be Reblogging And Answering Asks,

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