Proto Porn
Mmmmm. *bites*
Mmmmm. *bites*
The Crimson Canuck. Yes&Amp;Hellip;. My City, Windsor, Has Its Own Superhero. Literally. The Dude Walks Around Town Randomly Helping People&Amp;Hellip; Wearing That Costume. =D
Thats You Self Righteous, Speakin&Amp;Rsquo; Out Yer Ass, Bitchy, Cruel Woman! Muahahahah!
The First Time I Saw This I Literally Fell To The Floor And Rolled Around With Laughter. ^_^
And Women Think They&Amp;Rsquo;Re Subtle&Amp;Hellip;. &Amp;Gt;_&Amp;Gt;
This. Is. Me. =D
Thank You! Gods Damned Irrational People Annoy Me. ^_^
Sweet Mother&Amp;Hellip;. If They Can Do That Then Maybe There&Amp;Rsquo;S Hope For Me!
I Made This For My 2Nd Last Gf. Shark Week Otherwise Known As Blow Job Week. She Tried To Scowl And Laugh At The Same Time. It Was Cute.
Ha. Such A Canadian Thing To Say.
&Amp;Hellip;&Amp;Hellip;&Amp;Hellip;&Amp;Hellip;&Amp;Hellip;&Amp;Hellip;&Amp;Hellip;&Amp;Hellip;&Amp;Hellip;. What Is There To Say To This&Amp;Hellip;..
I&Amp;Hellip;. Would Have Died. Gahahahhahahaha!