Proto Porn

Bought an Astro a40 Wireless earlier today. Microsoft had them for $140, and for about a year now I’ve thought about replacing my G30, which is pretty damn heavy and bulky. I love it though and it’s still working just fine, and I hate replacin

Bought an Astro a40 Wireless earlier today. Microsoft had them for $140, and for about a year now I’ve thought about replacing my G30, which is pretty damn heavy and bulky. I love it though and it’s still working just fine, and I hate replacin

Bought an Astro a40 Wireless earlier today. Microsoft had them for $140, and for

I Used To Think Bleach Was Full Of Asspulls But Bleach Is, In Truth, One Gigantic Continuous Asspull. It&Amp;Rsquo;S, Like, A 12 Year Long Asspull. Why Is It So Damn Entertaining To Read Though? Fucking Kubo, Man.

I Used To Think Bleach Was Full Of Asspulls  But Bleach Is, In Truth, One Gigantic

Tsm Versus Eg Who The Fuck Do  I Root For, Fuuuck

Tsm Versus Eg  Who The Fuck Do  I Root For, Fuuuck

Rawrcharlierawr: I”M Gonna Eat It And Be Happy Oranges Are Happyfruits What The Fuck, That&Amp;Rsquo;S Not An Orange It&Amp;Rsquo;S One Of Those Pokemon Grapefruits Are You Hunting Snorlaxes Now, Rcr?

Rawrcharlierawr:  I”M Gonna Eat It And Be Happy Oranges Are Happyfruits  What The

Depression Sucks.  The Feeling Of Being Worthless Is Pretty Annoying In Itself, But What&Amp;Rsquo;S Worse Is Having No Motivation To Do Anything, Even The Things You Really, Really Love To Do. It Feels Like Laying In Bed Face Down And Just Watching The

Depression Sucks.   The Feeling Of Being Worthless Is Pretty Annoying In Itself,

Rawrcharlierawr: I Need To Give You Boys A Lesson On How To Take Decent Nudies The Girls Usually Know How To Take A Nude But Good Lord Guys Do I Need To Offer Classes On How To Make Your Dick Look Delicious And Not Like An Anatomy Textbook Photo Men

Rawrcharlierawr:  I Need To Give You Boys A Lesson On How To Take Decent Nudies The

Hmmm, For Something I Was Really, Really Excited To Get, The Astro A40 Left Me A Bit Disappointed.  When They Said &Amp;Ldquo;Wireless&Amp;Rdquo; In The Title, I Didn&Amp;Rsquo;T Expect I Needed To Walk Around With A Half-Pound Receiver And Have The Headset Connected

Hmmm, For Something I Was Really, Really Excited To Get, The Astro A40 Left Me A









This Is Why Nobody Plays Vayne Anymore. Condemn Is So Bugged, Dude. Twice This Game I Condemned People Into Walls And They Didn&Amp;Rsquo;T Get Stunned, And One Of Them Cost Us Baron And The Game. Sigh.  :(

This Is Why Nobody Plays Vayne Anymore. Condemn Is So Bugged, Dude. Twice This Game



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