Proto Porn
the horrible moment when you can feel someone losing interest in you
the horrible moment when you can feel someone losing interest in you
This Steak Is Steakalicious
Grabbidyballs: Smattenhove: Cacen: Teapartyasian: Is There A Word That’s A Mix Between Angry And Sad Malcontented, Disgruntled, Miserable, Desolated Smad. There Are Two Types Of People
Fasterfood: Fasterfood: Yeah Sure, Gandhi Seems Like A Pretty Good Guy, But Did He Respect The Pouch??? Really Then Explain This
Nogdrinker: *Gazes Romantically At Amazon Wishlist*
Faggotte: 秋山 Pixiv
Disasta: The Pastel Goth Police Department. Soft On Grunge, Hard On Crime
Too Much Time On The Interwebs.
Welcome To The Friend Zone
Thefuuuucomics: Submitted By Pikachu-Lover-4Ever
Zahhaked: Shinybeautifly: Turn That Frownupside Down Oh My God Are You Shitting Me That Is Like One Pixel But His Whole Expression Changed
Ostracizedpoodle: The Quickest Way To My Heart Is With A Knife
Boomitsnialler: I Feel Like Taylor Swift Is That Friend Who Invites Herself Places